Alliance of civilizations

24 Февраля
ФПО Ноосфера и Alliance of Civilizations.

Альянс цивилизаций — инициатива, предложенная премьер-министром Испании Хосе Луисом Родригесом Сапатеро в 2005 году на 59-й Генеральной Ассамблее Организации Объединенных Наций, и поддержанная премьер-министром Турции Реджепом Тайипом Эрдоганом. Цель инициативы — активизация международных действий против экстремизма посредством налаживания межнационального, межкультурного и межрелигиозного диалога и взаимодействия. Альянс обращает особое внимание на уменьшение трений между западным и исламским мирами.

Ноосфера приняла участие в международном съезде Альянса цивилизаций в Нью-Йорке, целью которого является решение проблем толерантности в современном мире. Наше видео было выбрано для торжественной церемонии закрытия сессии.

Peter Gorgievski:
"A brief update from New York..., Congratulations! The meeting finished on a high note.

Sessions today were held in the Trusteeship Council, under the Executive Office of the Secretary General..., one of the principal organs of the United Nations.

All videos received (except Aydan’s who unfortunately could not attend due to technical visa matters and we could not download video in time) were played on the big screen. Professional photos of your presentations were taken on-screen. This is an excellent opportunity for media and sharing news of your work. The Trusteeship Council is a very special place at the UN. It’s such grace to have been in this room today. All videos will be uploaded on the website.

I took a few photos on my iPhone. The quality is not great, but will give you a sense of the event and room until the professional photos taken throughout the 2 days come through, including with the High Representative and all participants.

Below, you can read our closing session statement.

A big thank You to Mr. Jim Swiger, President of Enviro Global Solutions. Thank you for your support. The private sector and stimulating entrepreneurship, and building financial capacity is a key aspect to our work. On behalf of all Champions, we’re very grateful for you sharing your time and expertise, your mentorship, and being there with and for us each step of the way throughout the week.

In the Secretariat of the Alliance of Civilizations, we have friends. They have been awesome! Hanifa was given the title Queen of Civil Society by the High Representative. She is indeed. We’re lucky to have someone so experienced and with a big heart working closely with us and also all Alliance staff. Director Matthew Hodes who has a legal background, is a strong advocate of civil society and is meticulous for ensuring correct measures are in place for successful cooperation.

Our Champions who were in New York…, you have been amazing! And for all the videos sent it and played today, you gave an incredible feeling in the room.

We were honoured with representatives of member states attending: Algeria, Russia, Brazil, Costa Rica. I believe there may have been some others. Also agencies UNESCO, OIF, WANGO, Manhattan Multicultural Counselling, UN Academic Impact, NGO DPI, Fairleigh Dickinson University, and others. I can’t remember all right now.

In the closing session, we had time for 1 video, as an example of all the video messages from Champions played earlier in the day. It was Sofia’s from Noosfera, Russian Federation, played before the High Representative.

There is much more good news to share.

Our focus now needs to move onto the next steps, pulling together again more or less immediately and working on our goals, including preparing for the Alliance of Civilizations Bali Forum, where we have been asked to play a key role in the civil society organising."

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