"Синдики" - дебаты на английском языке в музее ретроавтомобилей «Автовиль»

27 Апреля
15 апреля в музее частных коллекций «Автовилль» состоялись дебаты на английском языке на тему «It's the parent's responsibility to grow up a tolerant child». Участниками дискуссии стали ученики из московской школы №1414.Дебаты проходят в форме ролевой игры. Задачей участников было привести максимум аргументов и убедить оппонентов в правильности своей позиции. Тема дебатов всегда держится в строгом секрете. Главное правило спора не произносить ни слова на русском языке. Для создания естественной англоязычной обстановки были приглашены иностранные лингвисты- консультанты и гости из разных стран мира – Великобритании, США, Индии.
В качестве подарка за участие в дебатах школьники смогли осмотреть экспозицию музея.

В ходе мероприятия участниками было написано Эссе:

"A lack of tolerance is one of the most vital issues in the modern world. It inevitably leads to wars, conflict, misunderstanding and even bullying. To avoid these negative consequences, people need to come to some sort of general rules of behaviour which guarantee peace and friendliness. But it is quite a question of who is responsible for bringing up a tolerant person in society, the family or the state in society? There are pros and cons in the matter.
On one hand, there are many people who say that a child gets his most important lessons of life in his family.
When you bring a child into the world, you give him or her your name, you are forever linked to his fate and are responsible for his values and his reputation. Building good qualities is never easy. But the best, and perhaps the only way to teach a child anything is by setting a good example. His parents are the best example of everything, including their attitude to different religions and cultures. If a child was born into a multinational family, he is naturally exposed to different languages, different childhood tales, various cuisines, fashions and traditions. So he gets the right background and is naturally tolerant. If, however, he lives in a mono-cultural society, his parents should explain to him that we live in a small world and to live a proper life we simply have to be tolerant. This is even more essential in the age of globalisation.
On the other hand, it is obvious that tolerance should be cultivated by society on a state level. In the 21st century, when the traditional family does not exist, there are so many ways of influencing people- advertisements, television programmes,radio and books etc. All these form the personality of a child's values and character with the acceptance of customs and traditions of other people who are different from you.
When a child does not treat his parents as the main authority in life, perhaps because he doesn't see them very often as they spend more time at work than at home, school can become the most important instrument in bringing up a teenager. In some countries there are special subjects which give a child a panoramic view of the world. such an example is India, where there is a subject 'tolerance' and in the U.S. they teach religious matters. Even if parents are not tolerant enough, schools can improve the situation.
In summing up the pros and cons, we can state that bringing up a tolerant person is not an easy task for family or state, so both should participate in this noble matter.
So let us all remember the golden rule in our multinational small world that EVERYBODY HAS A RIGHT TO BE HEARD so starting from today let's all treat each other as we would treat ourself."

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